Monday, April 27, 2009

love people except annoying one

lg pengen banget ngomel2 deh...haeh.. minggu..
k sun..(>_<).. bukan karena senang k sun karena ktmu teman2..yg plg ga bisa d rubah dr kami?haha..gosip...even co2 jg ngegosip.. smalem cuma 6org..they are: caryn:miss manja yet bandel yet fashionable..
tini: miss cheerful !
jess : miss active..
suhe: yg suka ngegosip jg..
joel :wah.the his new piercing..!ckckck..
n me...i dunno wat word to describe me..=)
we didn't go anywhere..
mostly stayed at foodcourt n chatting..
go around n around..caryn bought hair clip n i bought magazine..
uughhh...feel so nice can go to somewhere else besides working..
but also not complete without him..hehe..

aku uda lupa tggl brpa hari mending ga usah itung deh..biar berlalu dengan cepatt...
bagian yg seneng2 uda lewat..
skrang yg nyebelin nih..

knp sih ada yg sewot banget?
you don't need to know who..ngejudge klo aku bela2in mo k spore krna ada pacar..
come on..aku ga munafik..itu salah satu nya emang..
tp kan aku juga liat better prospect n major yg aku mau..
aku jg ga gila lah...wktu dy lg blg itu..aku ga d rmh sih..
ergh!she doesn't understand me at all !
mksdnya apa sih?kok jadinya kek jatuhin aku d dpan mama ku sendri..hal itu bisa aku urus usa dy komentarin..mending dy baek2 aja blajarnya..
4 you who read this..
this is absolutely you don't need to care for..i know 'she' won't read this..
so yah..curhat2 sejenak..krn da alasan yg buat aku ga bisa apa2 dy blg gitu...krna ga tau mo curhat ke sapa jg..hahaha..

who cares rite?i don't care her n her..forget about her!

tp kyknya backstreet aku makin rawan..hahahha..but still enjoy it..
i still won't tell u,mom..n be patient,dear..
just wait..

sebenarnya ada beberapa ga bisa d transfr..
tp bakalan ku transfer kok...hehehe..
but only pic of narcism me..hahahaha....

aduh.....makin ga sabar......
pengen ketemu...n touch n feel him of course...
figthing anyone!!
still not yet get my announcement...sigh..


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