Wednesday, June 10, 2009

first n last

i need some pictures 4 my blog since it's so dead....

yesterday, i had a date with him..xD
but the most terrible one was the movie we watched..
the title is "DRAG ME TO HELL" n watching it seems to be in the hell!
but's very frightening,even he's always got shock..i do also..
he looked so cute...hahahahaha..
i promise,when there's no movie to watch n left the horror or thriller or killing etc movies,better i don't watch at all..really..
this is the first n the last..mybe..hahahaha

yestersay we just met each other but i miss him always..
several hours are not enough..n he's having a tuition until 4 p.m.
our time is being cut again..

i still dunno what present i'm going to give him.. =.='

GB all...

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