Saturday, February 27, 2010

belated valentine

dear, Blog..
i know it's very very very late to post something connected to valentine's day..
it's even nearly the end of february..
but who cares? i'd like to post it..
before i write something,to someone who gave comment in my previous blog..
may i know who are you?or just write something in english maybe? my chinese is not that good.. thank you..=) visit my blog again..

okay...valentine's day..
something full with love love love and flowers like roses...

i always wish that i could find fresh blue roses like pictures above here..
or when i'm traveling anywhere else?
it's beautiful..=)

one hundred roses means Love until death,or a hundred years,whatever come first..

well i won't dreaming for a hundres roses,single roses is enough i think..=P
it's the strongest emotion saying "I Love you ",it shows deepest affection and the simplicity of one.

wanna know my valentine gifts ?

do you know i'm a little bit pissed off and almost didn't want to send this thing and throw it away?
since i got so many uncertain burdens made by my"friend",he postponed everything and i'm mad to the max..
alone to the post office and they're really not welcoming people..
i made mistake by writing the wrong room..OMG
arrived at SG but takes so long to arrived at his hand..
luckily it in his place now..
tx, least this things safely arrived..

the card
i won't write more bout his since he has not read it..
just wait..=)

anyway,school will start soon..
i am really really reluctant to go back to school..i want more holiday...

ps: i miss you, do you know it?

GB anyone..


Unknown said...

hahaha. did i tell u before that i don't even feel like celebrating Vday this year?...its CNY, come on....hhahaha=p
eh itu org ngmgny aneh deh kekny..nga nyambung gt..trus dikasi link aneh2 gt..jgn dipeduliin deh...kecuali..dia emang bisa bhsa indo then sori deh gw sbrg nuduh..hahahha
too bad you didn't buy that pix printed MnM.. i think that was cool you know..

Jennifer's Masterpiece said... kleast masi ngarepin ada nuansa v'tine d hari imlek..haha..
ohya?aku aja ga ngerti,nov...hebat deh u bs mgkn bs b.indo...hehe..
pix printed yg gmn?
aiyo ma mau naik pswat dlu lg bon bon nya bru mpe sni..hahahaha